Media OfficeNews

News on Friday, 7th October 2023

(SFM) News:

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) released a statement titled “Regarding the Syrian regime’s continued bombardment on the outskirts of Idlib for the second day.”

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has received an official invitation to attend the Syrian Democratic Meeting in Berlin.

Our Scientific Office (SFM) is following up on a program for teaching Arabic and the Quran for free to our children in Northern Syria.

Internal News:

Syrian regime forces and Russia target the center of Idlib city and its countryside with intense bombardment using cluster bombs and napalm. Civilian casualties include 4 children.

The investigative committee clears the head of the interim Syrian government of charges of threatening members of the Syrian National Coalition.

The National Coalition calls for international measures to activate the political process.

The Autonomous Administration announces that all gas power generation facilities have gone out of service.

The Turkish army launches an intensive bombing campaign on SDF positions in the countryside of Aleppo and Al-Hasakah.

SDF and the Syrian regime bombardment on the city of Mare’, with the Turkish army responding.

Related News:

The United Nations warns of the destruction of infrastructure due to consecutive attacks in northern Syria.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard threatens those responsible for bombing the military college with a severe response and sudden revenge.

A racist campaign, assaults, and damage to the properties of Syrians in East Beirut.

International News:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is re-elected as the leader of the Justice and Development Party after receiving all delegate votes at the party’s fourth extraordinary congress.

The number of Israeli casualties rises to 100 dead and more than 800 injured in a surprise attack by Hamas.

Hamas announces the capture of senior Israeli officers among its prisoners.”

Note: The translation aims to capture the essence and meaning of the original Arabic text while ensuring clarity in English.

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