Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

On the release of female detainees in Idlib prisons

The Syrian Future Movement calls on the new Syrian administration to immediately release the female detainees from Hizb ut-Tahrir in Harim Prison, Idlib.

The Syrian Future Movement believes that all Syrian components, including Hizb ut-Tahrir, have the right to peaceful movements. It considers the arrest of women demanding the release of Hizb ut-Tahrir detainees an irresponsible act that must be addressed immediately.

The Syrian Future Movement bases its position on respecting peaceful demonstrations and expressions, regardless of their nature. It opposes the pursuit of any group expressing its demands peacefully.

The Syrian Future Movement urges political forces to raise their voices to secure the release of women and their husbands who have no criminal record proving their involvement in terrorism or related activities.

The Syrian Future Movement calls for respect for all Syrian factions and ideologies that renounce violence, regardless of their political, religious, cultural, or social stances.

The Syrian Future Movement condemns the arrest of peaceful women, deeming it a clear violation of human rights, particularly the rights of Syrian women.

The Syrian Future Movement urges the new administration to present a modern, civilized model in dealing with all Syrian components during this foundational and critical phase of its modern history.

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