Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

Regarding the meeting between Lavrov and Kerry and the formula they reached.

Syrian Future Movement…
The press conference (today) featuring both U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is the biggest evidence that the solution to the Syrian equation is indeed in the hands of the poles of conflict, as both parties have found the suitable formula that meets the aspirations of the Russian bear and the American eagle while the Syrian opposition remains dormant abroad.

The Syrian Future Movement…
sees a significant danger in the rapidly escalating events inside Syria, where the regime has become more ferocious and savage than ever, especially after openly announcing the involvement of Hezbollah (backed by Iran) in the ongoing battles within Syria. Therefore, it is essential for the Syrian opposition to gather its papers, organize its ranks, and broaden the representation to include everyone, in preparation for participation in the conference scheduled for the end of this month to form a joint government (which may provide a way out of the crisis) for the time being… Until this conference is held, the final say remains with the revolutionaries on the ground inside.

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