Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

Regarding the Damascus Bombings (Mezzeh – Marjeh)

The Syrian Future Movement…
It is painful to say frankly that the city of Damascus is facing tough times, similar to those of its sister Aleppo. However, we must describe the facts and clarify the situation. For this reason, we have repeatedly warned that the Syrian regime will turn Damascus into an open arena for bombings, assassinations, and explosive operations—the same tactics it practiced and perfected during its decades-long occupation of neighboring Lebanon. This has become evident in the regime’s recent approach, where we now see that its intention in dragging Damascus into this dark tunnel is:

  1. Emptying Damascus of its original inhabitants and forcing them to leave, whether within the country or abroad.
  2. Dividing Damascus into security zones that are easier for the regime to control.
  3. Distracting the international community with fabricated bombing incidents, concealing the reality of the mass extermination of the people using chemical weapons.
  4. Buying additional time to convince the world that the regime is under threat from extremist and Salafi groups.
  5. Convincing Western nations that the regime stands with them in fighting Al-Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra, and other similar groups.

The Syrian Future Movement…
Calls on the entire world to put an end to this bloody charade and to hold the regime accountable for its use of chemical weapons. We fear that the world’s response to this crisis might take as long as it did with our brothers in Iraq, with a similarly grim outcome.
Mercy to the martyrs, and may the murderer receive just punishment.

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