Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

Regarding the Bombings in Damascus

Syrian Future Movement…

The regime of murder in Syria, the “farm of Assad,” has accustomed us to the fact that there are no limits or constraints on brutality, slaughter, and crime.

However, an attentive observer of the unfolding events knows that the crumbling ruling system now controls only the city of Damascus, along with its security apparatus, presidential palaces, party headquarters, strongholds of the shabiha, and some bourgeois pro-regime households, as well as guests from other provinces.

For this reason, it was necessary for the deeply rooted criminal regime to initiate terrorist operations in the heart of the capital, Damascus, believing that this would ensure the loyalty of its people and maintain an atmosphere of stability in its presidential palaces (but this is wishful thinking).

Syrian Future Movement…

It calls upon Damascus and its people to join the ranks of the revolution, to rise against oppression and the oppressor, to open their homes as shelters for the Free Syrian Army, to receive and treat wounded soldiers, and to exercise extra caution in the streets and neighborhoods against car bombings and similar attacks.

Syrian Future Movement…

It stands with the people of Damascus (because it knows with certainty that the fiercest battle to overthrow the regime will be fought among their homes and at their doors). It also congratulates the families of the martyrs, especially the schoolchildren among them, on the wedding of martyrdom, and calls on the international community…

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