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Regarding the opposition meeting in Paris, a press statement for Elaph magazine

Elaph Magazine Statement … A Question Directed from Elaph Magazine to the Head of the Syrian Future Movement

In your opinion, what can the upcoming Paris conference do for Syria? What can it offer to the opposition?

Response from the Head of the Syrian Future Movement:
I see that the call to hold this conference, in light of the current conditions Syria is experiencing (internally), amid the astonishing and legendary advances of the rebels on the ground with limited capabilities, is an attempt to overturn the revolutionaries (most of whom are supporters of the Islamic current) with both its moderate and extremist faces. What unites them is the common denominator of establishing a state of Islam, albeit with differing visions for the mechanisms of doing so. This is coupled with an attempt to rectify the error of neglect by supporting, funding, and marketing parties and currents with secular or liberal orientations, or similar beliefs, who advocate for the separation of religion from the state, and pushing them towards gathering themselves into a body that is at the level of the banner raised at the beginning of our revolution—in terms of its history and emergence—and preserving it after it has been overshadowed by the dark banner of the prophetic Muhammadan eagle.

This would lead to the birth of a new entity (a Caesarean birth) by the standards of French tailoring, aimed at limiting the role of the National Coalition and the National Council while attempting to incapacitate the dynamo for both of them—the Muslim Brotherhood—which has cloaked them in the garment and turban of Islam (the boogeyman of the Crusader West!!).

Furthermore, it involves creating interlocutors in the name of the Syrian people (who would accept the division of the country and its citizens, which is simmering over a bitter Russian fire).

In light of this vision, there will be nothing offered to the suffering people except ample time for one of the two sides of the conflict (the regime and the rebels) to decide the battle. If it’s for the former, the team preparing to lead the next phase is French-prepared. If it’s for the second team, there must be a swift conference to make a decisive military decision (to empower the French-prepared team to lead the post-Bashar al-Assad phase), whose top priority is to uproot the Islamic monster that has grown again!

In short, I see the conference as a conference of sedition between the opposition abroad, aiming to divide them once again into (believers and non-believers) and between the extreme right and the extreme left, grinding what remains of the homeland and citizens.

Let Bashar al-Assad rejoice in arranging his last cards: either an independent state and entity, or a safe exit.

Elaph Magazine Statement:

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