Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

On the Martyrdom of Al Jazeera Reporter Mohammed Al-Masalma (Al-Hourani)

Syrian Future Movement…
The policy of concealing facts and falsifying realities has been a favorite tactic of the Syrian regime of oppression for the past half-century. The assassination of Al Jazeera reporter Mohammed Al-Masalma (Al-Hourani) is yet another clear example of the regime’s attempt to obscure the bitter truth by silencing the free word and the free camera.

Syrian Future Movement…
Calls upon the free people of the nation to become platforms for free media, exposing the regime’s plans to exterminate all who oppose or disagree with it through all available means—audible, readable, and visual. We urge Al Jazeera to shed light on this documented crime, through sound and image, and to pursue the perpetrators through all possible and available means.

We also call on Al Jazeera to award the martyr Mohammed Al-Masalma (Al-Hourani) the Medal of Free Journalism and to support his family in recognition and gratitude for his sacrifice.

Mercy to the martyr, and just retribution for the murderer.

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