Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

Renewing national brotherhood at the start of the glorious new year.

As the sounds of cannons, rocket launchers, and human-hunting rifles rise, with death squads roaming the homeland, the roar of planes in the skies of Syria harvesting the lives of revolutionaries, and massacres being committed in cold blood, and with the start of a new Gregorian year:

The Syrian Future Movement calls on Syrians inside the country to practice solidarity, cooperation, and mutual support, especially during these difficult times, marked by water shortages, scarce electricity, lack of bread, and limited ammunition.

The Syrian Future Movement urges Syrians abroad (particularly politicians) to unite ranks, mend the rift among opposition forces, and include all parties in the political solution.

The Syrian Future Movement also appeals to Syrians abroad (particularly traders) to direct urgent financial support, especially to rural areas and villages.

The Syrian Future Movement further calls on Syrians abroad (particularly religious leaders from all faiths and sects) to hold a conference to set the course right and send clear messages to both the regime and the opposition.

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