Political officepress release / Statement of Political office

the Halfaya Massacre (Bread Dipped in Blood)

At a time when both the Arab and Islamic worlds have turned away from supporting a people drowning in rivers of their pure blood, the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, through its air force and the “Defenders of the Homeland,” has turned the peaceful, secure people—who go out every morning in search of their daily bread and the livelihood of their children—into targets for dismemberment, tearing flesh, and shattering bones, in full view and earshot of the entire world.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) condemns this painful massacre against the people of the town of Halfaya, and how many “Halfayas” stretch across the wounded nation.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) holds the Syrian regime, from its leadership down to its military forces, fully responsible for the tragedies, wounds, and destruction that have befallen our people and country.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) calls for a real role from the international community in addressing the Syrian tragedy, working to stop it in order to prevent the collapse of the global ethical system and its regression into eras of backwardness and barbarism, after the ages of enlightenment and human rights.

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