Dr. Zaher Ihssan BaadaraniMedia OfficePresidency officepresident SFMSFutureM PodcastVideos

Podcast of SFM (36): International and Foreign Relations from the SFM’s Perspective (1)

  1. We strive to strengthen the bonds of cooperation between nations and peoples based on solidarity and integration, not conflict and discord.
  2. Relations with all countries, peoples, organizations, institutions, and entities must be based on respect, equality, and mutual support, aiming for cooperation and integration and affirming human fraternity and cultural harmony.
  3. . We oppose aggression against others, interference in the national affairs of other countries, and the imposition of political, economic, cultural, or religious dominance under any pretext or for any reason.
  4. We see the necessity of relying on the United Nations and working towards its reform to achieve its pivotal role for which it was established.
  5. We believe in the need to specifically reform the United Nations Security Council to be a regulator of human conflict and a preventer of its expansion.
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