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Podcast of SFM (33): Constitution from the SFM’s Perspective (2)

  1. The constitution must be based on fundamental human rights principles and the foundation of citizenship and popular sovereignty. It should guarantee citizens’ political, economic, social, and cultural rights without discrimination or favoritism.
  2. It must be respected by all authorities.
  3. It should be amendable through constitutional means, aligning with societal developments and changes resulting from popular will, not the whims of the authorities.
  4. The constitution must be in line with contemporary circumstances, benefiting from the experiences of advanced countries. It should embrace the Syrian people in their language, unity, and diversity and be appropriate for Syria’s new phase.
  5. It should prevent any form of military coups.
  6. The constitution must protect minorities, political opposition, women, and the oppressed.
  7. It should not be sectarian, favor any sect, or be hostile to religions and sects.
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