Media OfficeNews

News for Monday, 2024-09-23.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) Presidential Office issued an official statement of congratulations on the occasion of Saudi Arabia’s National Day.
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) Economic Office published an article titled: Economic Philosophy: A Missing Approach.
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Section concluded the training session: Content Creation.
  • The SFM Media Office published From the Memory of the Syrian Revolution 2011/09/23. On this day in 2011, Switzerland announced its support for EU sanctions on the Syrian regime, including a ban on the import and transport of Syrian oil and its derivatives.
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) Media Office published a caricature titled: Syrian Revolution Caricature No. (107).

Internal News:

  • Medical report: 11 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 17 suspected cases of measles in Syria within a week.
  • Al-Miqdad is out, and the “Ministry of Presidential Affairs” is dissolved; Bashar Al-Assad approves the Jalali government.
  • Two members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) killed in an armed attack east of Deir ez-Zor.
  • A new candidate withdraws from the Damascus Chamber of Commerce elections after a lawsuit was filed against it.
  • The Syrian regime forces target the town of Nayrab in eastern Idlib with explosive drones.
  • Flooded streets in Tartous anger residents.
  • The National Army foils two SDF infiltration attempts east of Aleppo.
  • The Democratic Union Party (PYD) replaces its co-chair Saleh Muslim.
  • After a fragile truce, an old vendetta reignites fighting between the Al-Maamra and Al-Mashahida tribes in Al-Hasakah.
  • A delegation from the Negotiations Committee visits New York to push the Syrian issue internationally.
  • A missile attack targets the American base in Al-Shaddadi, rural Al-Hasakah.
  • A demonstration in Jasem, Daraa, against the Syrian regime’s attempts to impose reconciliation.

Related News:

  • In a meeting with Pedersen, Egypt calls for speeding up the political solution in Syria and addressing the refugee crisis.
  • Amnesty International calls on Washington to intervene to end the Rukban camp tragedy.
  • Qatar condemns the Syrian regime’s continued crimes to maintain power.

International News:

  • Israeli escalation in Lebanon causes mass displacement, health alerts, and school closures.
  • Israel launches the heaviest airstrikes on Lebanon, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries and thousands displaced.
  • Washington opposes war, while France sends a delegation to Beirut; international efforts aim to de-escalate the situation in Lebanon.
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