Media OfficeNews

News for Saturday, 2024-09-21.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Presidential Office published an official greeting titled: On the International Day of Peace.
  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Media Office published a study titled: Syria and Reconstruction.
  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Media Office published From the Memory of the Syrian Revolution on 21/09/2015: On this day in 2015, regime shelling on the Al-Shaar neighborhood in Aleppo resulted in 22 martyrs.
  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Media Office published a caricature titled: Syrian Revolution Caricature No. 105.

Internal News:

  • With ongoing military mobilizations, traffic resumed normally on the A‘azaz-Afrin road.
  • Protests in front of the Ministry of Defense building in Kafr Jannah demanding an end to infighting between factions.
  • A young man was killed by sniper fire from the SDF while swimming in the Euphrates River east of Deir ez-Zor.
  • The Syrian regime demands a new “settlement” in Jasim city, which residents reject.
  • HTS accuses Hezbollah of shelling Idlib and responds with rocket salvos.
  • The Syrian regime halts “air defense” leaves due to fears of Israeli attacks.
  • The SDF states they attacked a Turkish base and National Army positions in Manbij and Tel Abyad.
  • Two children died in a fire at their home in Latakia; they were found alone.
  • Four sibling children died in a landmine explosion in Manbij, northern Aleppo, while searching for food.
  • Three people died in two traffic accidents in Hama and Deir ez-Zor.
  • After inconclusive discussions, a second meeting is set to resolve the crisis in the National Army.
  • An assassination attempt targeted a person in Daraa accused of involvement in the kidnapping of Jordanian drivers.
  • Al-Baghouz suffers from poor health conditions as the SDF confiscates the town’s only ambulance.
  • Two martyrs and eight injuries due to regime artillery shelling on Taftanaz, eastern Idlib.

Related News:

  • United Nations: 16 million Syrians need urgent assistance, and a third of children are out of school.
  • The United States calls for firmness regarding Syrian regime violations and ensuring accountability.
  • Britain: The Syrian regime exploits instability and stifles progress towards a sustainable resolution of the conflict.
  • Russia demands the United Nations provide an “honest assessment” of the impact of sanctions on the situation in Syria.
  • “King Salman Center” supports the establishment of 300 housing units for earthquake victims in Jindires, northern Aleppo.
  • A UN project, coordinated with the Syrian regime, aims to facilitate the return of the residents of Yarmouk Camp based on a zoning plan.
  • Italy renounces monitoring human rights in Syria.
  • Erdoğan states he has invited Assad for normalization and is waiting for his response.

International News:

  • Hezbollah mourns the deaths from the Israeli airstrike and publishes their photos.
  • Among them 15 from Hezbollah, Lebanon announces the number of deaths in the southern suburb has risen to 31.
  • Including children, 54 Palestinians martyred as Israel bombed various areas in the Gaza Strip.
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