Media OfficeNews

News for Wednesday, 2024-09-18.

The SFM’s News:

The Economic Office of the Syrian Future Movement published a study titled: Syria and Reconstruction.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement released Figures and Icons of the State in Syria (11): Mustafa Al-Sebaei.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement commemorated the Syrian Revolution with Memory of the Syrian Revolution 2011/09/18, noting an event on this day in 2013: a women’s demonstration in the Al-Midan neighborhood of Damascus called for the regime’s downfall and carried photos of children killed by the regime.

The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement also published a caricature titled: Caricature of the Syrian Revolution No. 102.

Internal News:

  • “The Joint Forces” denied accusations of suppressing a women’s demonstration in Afrin.
  • Popular protests in Al-Bukamal demand the removal of “Brigade 47” headquarters, affiliated with the “Revolutionary Guard.”
  • A general strike in Manbij protested the SDF’s management policies in the city.
  • Members of Aleppo’s Provincial Council recommended the dismissal of their president.
  • The “Ministry of Education” in the Syrian regime’s government allowed baccalaureate students to change their academic track.
  • Armed attack on an international organization in southern Hasakah resulted in the theft of a vehicle and the robbery of employees.
  • The Syrian regime claims near-future relief in securing fuel.
  • Under protest pressure, Air Force Intelligence released a detainee in Daraa.
  • Ahead of the UN General Assembly meetings, the Syrian Negotiation Commission held high-level international talks.
  • The “Syrian Islamic Council” issued a statement condemning the beating of women and extortion in Afrin.
  • The Syrian regime imposed new conditions for installing solar panels in Damascus.
  • The Syrian regime announced the arrest of two individuals accused of distributing counterfeit dollars in Damascus.
  • A massive fire consumed 4,000 dunams of agricultural and forest land in Tartus.
  • For the third consecutive day, water tankers in rural Hasakah halted operations in protest of fuel shortages.
  • An elderly woman was killed by SDF forces north of Raqqa while attempting to cross into National Army-held areas.
  • Four people were killed, and others injured in tribal clashes in rural Deir ez-Zor.

Related News:

  • The White House excluded the Syrian regime from the list of drug-producing countries.
  • A U.S. State Department delegation met with the Syrian Negotiation Commission to discuss advancing the political process.
  • Israel claimed that the Syrian regime built a nuclear facility in Deir ez-Zor for “plutonium production.”
  • Iraq rejected the repatriation of individuals from the Al-Hol camp in rural Hasakah.

International News:

  • Lebanon: Dozens injured in new explosions involving wireless devices.
  • Mohammed bin Salman: No relations with Israel before the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  • Blinken spoke from Egypt about a “means” to de-escalate tensions in the region.
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