Media OfficeNews

News for Tuesday, 2024-09-10.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Family Affairs Office published an article titled: The Future of Syrian Children: Hopes and Challenges.
  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Media Office published Symbols and Icons of the State in Syria (10): Sultan Basha Al-Atrash.
  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Scientific Office/Capacity Building and Self-Development Department launched a training program titled Content Creation.


  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Media Office published from The Memory of the Syrian Revolution (09/10/2011): On this day in 2011, the people of Daraya held a funeral for activist Ghiath Matar, who was killed under torture after being arrested. Despite the presence of regime forces, the funeral turned into a protest demanding the fall of the regime, which was met with live fire by the forces, resulting in the death of 17-year-old Ahmad Suleiman Ayroot.
  • The Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) Media Office published a caricature titled Caricature of the Syrian Revolution No. 94.

Internal News:

  • 3 killed in clashes between tribal groups and “Border Guards” in Jarabulus, eastern Aleppo.
  • A betting site leads to the death of a regime officer in Tartous.
  • One dead and five injured in an explosion at a waste dump in Homs.
  • A candidate challenges the decision of the Damascus Chamber of Commerce and files a lawsuit after being disqualified from running.
  • The Lawyers’ Syndicate accuses the victim’s daughter and her lover of the Damascus Countryside branch crime.
  • SDF accuses the Syrian regime and Turkey of “collusion” in recent Deir ez-Zor attacks.
  • In Tartous, a man shoots his wife and son before attempting suicide over a family dispute.
  • Two young men injured by gunfire from the “Eighth Brigade” for refusing to stop at a checkpoint in Daraa.
  • Three children injured in shelling by regime forces in the Aleppo countryside.
  • Two vehicles destroyed and several killed from SDF forces in an infiltration attempt east of Aleppo.
  • The Syrian regime positively comments on the Turkish president’s statements regarding establishing a solidarity axis against Israel.
  • Saudi Arabia officially announces the opening of its embassy to the Syrian regime.

Related News:

  • Gulf countries reaffirm their commitment to the Arab Committee’s resolutions on Syria and the resumption of the Constitutional Committee’s work.
  • Iran denies that Israel targeted one of its facilities in Syria.
  • Iraqi official: We received a request from a Syrian opposition group to mediate dialogue with Assad.
  • Syrian regime delegation leaves the Arab League meeting during Hakan Fidan’s speech.
  • Ahmed Aboul Gheit meets with the Syrian regime’s Foreign Minister to discuss “reforming” the Arab League.

International News:

  • ISIS claims responsibility for a hostage situation in a Volgograd prison in Russia.
  • Erdogan urges the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to confront Israeli escalation.
  • Armed clashes and injuries during the Israeli army’s raid on Tulkarm.
  • Turkish police arrest 27 suspected ISIS members in 13 cities.
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