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The Third Edition of the Book Fair in Idlib.

The Syrian Future Movement (SFM) responded to the invitation from the House of Culture and Knowledge to attend the Book Fair on its first day, 05/09/2024.

It is worth mentioning that the fair was rich with murals, oil and watercolor paintings, as well as several master’s and doctoral theses, along with a collection of traditional folk channels, models, and various Arabic calligraphy works.

The fair was attended by the Director of the Capacity Building and Self-Development Department, part of the Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement(SFM), the media professional Mr. Ammar Al-Takla, along with several trainers from the Syrian Future Movement’s (SFM) office in the city of Azaz.

It should be noted that the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) is committed to all activities that promote reading, visiting publishing houses, and book fairs.

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