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Podcast of SFM (28): The Political System of the State from the SFM’s Perspective (4)

1. We believe the religious institution needs to be rescued from political exploitation and restructured anew. We advocate for the complete separation between the functions of the Ministry of Religious Endowments (Awqaf) and the General Fatwa Council, preventing the latter from political overreach and intelligence exploitation. It is essential to reinstate and activate the positions of muftis across the Syrian Republic to include the five recognized sects, appointing muftis for each province and city while respecting sectarian diversity and religious plurality.

2. We believe in the role of providing theoretical insights and ideas and the necessity of creating a Higher Advisory Council of Elders for the state. This council would not hold authority over the executive, legislative, or judicial branches but would provide informed, non-binding advice. It would be tasked with offering consultations, monitoring negatives, building on positives, and benefiting from diverse perspectives.

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