Media OfficeNews

Monday News, 2024-08-19.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Political Office published an article titled: “Transitional Justice in Syria: Challenges and Prospects.”
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Media Office released the Movement’s Shield titled: “Honoree No. (24) Jihad Makdissi.”
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Media Office published a cartoon titled: “Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. (73).”
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Media Office commemorated the Syrian Revolution Memory 2011/08/19: On this day in 2011, Idlib Governorate witnessed demonstrations after Friday prayers and evening protests during the “Friday of Victory Heralds.” The demonstrations took place in the city of Idlib and towns such as Khan Shaykhun, Binnish, Sarmada, and others, with most raising the revolution’s flag. Protesters chanted “We want the downfall of the regime” and “The people want the downfall of the regime.” They also chanted in English, “We want freedom,” and sang “Get out, Bashar.” They carried a banner reading, “Our resisting army, Gaza is being bombed.”
  • The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin is actively engaging with its students during the summer to improve their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Internal News:

  • Syrian regime forces target villages in the Aleppo countryside with tank and mortar shells.
  • A warning from “Men of Dignity” to the Syrian regime forces after establishing a new checkpoint in As-Suwayda.
  • Traffic control measures following the wheat truck accident result in a second deadly accident on the Homs highway.
  • Protests near Abu Zendin crossing in rejection of its reopening.
  • Damascus Governorate: Jobar residents will not return to their homes due to unsafe construction conditions.
  • A Turkish drone targets a “SDF” military vehicle in Qamishli.
  • Three dead and 11 injured in a traffic accident in Homs and an explosion in rural Hama.
  • Gunmen kill members of the “Fifth Corps” in Deir ez-Zor and decapitate them.
  • Russia announces the evacuation of five people out of thousands from Rukban Camp.
  • A new heatwave in Syria with temperatures exceeding normal levels by 5 degrees.
  • Artillery shells target the Abu Zendin crossing east of Aleppo.
  • Unknown assailants attempt to assassinate a young man from Daraa, injuring his family members.
  • With a large financial fine, the “SDF” releases one of Raqqa’s notable figures.
  • One dead and several injured in an attack on “Popular Committees” headquarters in northern Daraa.
  • After 7 hours and with the participation of 45 volunteers, the Civil Defense extinguishes a massive fire in Idlib.
  • 35 reports of “dangerous buildings” due to earthquakes recorded in Salamiyah, rural Hama.

Related News:

  • The Palestinian leadership in the “Baath Party” calls for the exemption of Palestinians from entry fees to Syria.
  • UN report: Escalating violence in northwest Syria during 2024 exacerbates the displacement and poverty crisis.
  • Turkey’s ambassador in Tehran calls for Iranian-Turkish cooperation in normalizing relations with the Syrian regime.
  • Russia: A coalition fighter jet dangerously approached our aircraft in Homs airspace.

International News:

  • Two “Hezbollah” members killed in an Israeli airstrike on the town of Houla, southern Lebanon.
  • More casualties in Israel’s war on Gaza on its 318th day.
  • Putin grants residence to foreigners who oppose their countries’ “moral” policies.
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