Media OfficeNews

Thursday News, 2024-08-15.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Family Affairs Office published an article titled: On (Bullying) and Childhood.
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Media Office published a cartoon titled: Cartoon of the Syrian Revolution No. (69).
  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Media Office shared a memory from the Syrian Revolution on 15/08/2011, highlighting that on this day in 2011, Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr renewed his country’s stance on “the necessity for the Syrian regime to stop the killing and bloodshed, implement what it has proposed itself by abolishing the state of emergency law, drafting a new constitution, involving all parties in dialogue, and conducting elections according to a specific timeline.” Amr added in an interview with Al-Ahram newspaper: “We want to avoid internationalizing the Syrian problem; the region has suffered enough so far, and we do not want a new internationalization.”
  • The Tawad Educational Schools series in the city of Afrin continues its intensive activity with its students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address any gaps or deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • A family struggles to reclaim their home after it was turned into a military barracks by the Syrian regime in Suwayda.
  • A group affiliated with the “State Security Branch” kills a young man with special needs in Daraa.
  • The Syrian regime denies detaining American journalist Austin Tice.
  • “SDF” kidnaps a girl in Amuda after assaulting her family.
  • A woman dies and three others are injured in a vehicle accident on the Damascus-Homs road.
  • Three Syrian regime forces are killed during clashes with the “SDF” in Deir Ezzor.
  • The Syrian regime mourns its ambassador to Belarus, Mohammad Al-Amrani.
  • At least 39 people accused of drug trafficking and promotion have been killed in Daraa since the beginning of the year.
  • The Syrian regime warns digital platforms against “offending national and moral principles.”
  • The reopening of border crossings between the National Army’s areas of control and “SDF” in eastern Aleppo.
  • The Syrian regime violates an International Court of Justice ruling by killing 43 people under torture.
  • Regime gunmen take control of Nawa’s automated bakery and sell bread on the black market.
  • Preparations are underway to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Shaitat massacre in Deir Ezzor.
  • The Syrian Negotiations Commission concludes its meeting in Geneva.
  • The “Salvation Government” announces the graduation of the first class from the Police College in Idlib.
  • A boy dies and another is injured after a car accident in northern Aleppo.
  • Jamoos: We have reservations about Pedersen’s initiatives, but we welcome the convening of the Constitutional Committee in Riyadh.
  • A member of the Daraa branch leadership of the Baath Party is dismissed after being accused of sexually exploiting women.
  • The regime forces renew their targeting of northern Syria with suicide drones.

Related News:

  • Erdoğan: We will not allow the imposition of a “fait accompli” in northern Syria.
  • The U.S. Ambassador to Turkey: We will not normalize relations with Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
  • The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the death of one of its soldiers in Syria due to a health issue.
  • The Turkish Defense Minister: We will engage in dialogue with whoever comes to power in Syria after free elections.
  • Iran announces the death of a Revolutionary Guard commander due to injuries sustained in Syria.

International News:

  • Kyiv changes the equation as the Ukrainian military announces the establishment of a military office in the Russian region of Kursk.
  • Washington imposes new sanctions on “Hezbollah” and the Houthis.
  • The new strain of monkeypox spreads across Africa, with the first case detected in Europe.
  • Ukraine plans to establish a “buffer zone” in Kursk and hints at imposing martial law.
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