Media Officememory of the Syrian revolution

From the memory of the Syrian revolution: 2011/08/11

On this day in 2011, the city of Damascus witnessed demonstrations after Taraweeh prayers in several neighborhoods including Kafr Souseh (City Center Mall), Mashru’ Dummar, Al-Qadam, Al-Midan (Jazmatiyeh, Suhaib Al-Rumi Mosque), New Zahira, Barzeh, Barzeh Al-Balad, Nahr Aisha, Al-Qaboun, Al-Mazza (Al-Mustafa Mosque), Rukn Al-Din (Abu Al-Nur Mosque), and in front of Al-Kuwaiti Mosque (near the Ministry of Awqaf and the Political Security Branch). Protesters chanted in support of Homs, Hama, and Deir ez-Zor, and called for the downfall of the regime.

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