Media OfficeNews

News of Friday, 2024-08-02.

The SFM’s

  • The Syrian Future Movement (SFM)’s Presidential Office published the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) Podcast (23): Concept of the State from the Movement’s Perspective (2).
  • The Scientific Office / Capacity Building and Self-Development Department of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) completed the “Body Language” training.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a caricature titled: Syrian Revolution Caricature No. (57).
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) shared a memory from the Syrian Revolution on 2012/08/02, noting that on this day in 2012, Aleppo witnessed demonstrations after Taraweeh prayers in Al-Maysar, Al-Khalidiya, Al-Jabriya, and Bustan Al-Qasr neighborhoods. Syrian regime forces fired on demonstrators and attacked them, resulting in several arrests.

Internal News:

  • Investigations by the Syrian regime uncover massive corruption and embezzlement within the “Ba’ath Party.”
  • An attempt to smuggle people from Syria by boat was thwarted.
  • The “Military Security” in Daraa demands that the dignitaries of Jasem surrender weapons and expel “strangers.”
  • A Russian center recorded 314 coalition aircraft violations in Syria during July.
  • Transport companies canceled trips due to the “SDF” cutting off diesel supplies.

Related News:

  • After the exchange deal, Washington urges countries normalizing relations with Assad’s regime to raise the issue of Austin Tice.
  • Two international organizations call for urgent measures to prevent the shutdown of health programs in Syria.
  • A Russian diplomat revealed that London offered Moscow to abandon Assad in 2015 to avoid the fall of Damascus.
  • The Economist: Ongoing crises place Damascus at the bottom of the 2024 liveability index.

International News:

  • Iran and its allies prepare for a coordinated response to Israel.
  • Airlines suspend flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut.
  • The United Nations records a slight decline in global food prices.
  • The Iranian president appoints Javad Zarif as his deputy for strategic affairs.
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