Media OfficeNews

News for Monday, 2024-07-15.

The SFM’s News:

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) awarded certificates of completion for attending the “Art of Communication and Interaction” training.

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: “Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. 43.”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) shared a memory from the Syrian revolution dated 2012/07/15. On this day in 2012: The Free Syrian Army entered the Midan neighborhood at night, with fighters from Eastern Ghouta and Damascus neighborhoods, marking the beginning of the “Damascus Volcano” battle. The Free Syrian Army launched attacks on regime forces in and around the Midan neighborhood to declare control over it and open a new front in the capital alongside Al-Tadamon.

The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin continues intensive activities with its students during the summer period to improve their educational level, address any deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:

  • The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) closed roads leading to regime election centers in Hasakah and confiscated ballot boxes.
  • Following a fatality, tribal clashes erupted in a village east of Raqqa.
  • Regime election centers in Daraa were closed, and the regime attempted to open them by force.
  • Barrah Al-Qatirji was assassinated by an airstrike on the Syrian-Lebanese border.
  • Bashar al-Assad cast his vote in the “People’s Assembly” elections amid widespread protests.
  • The Syrian regime’s Ministry of Tourism announced an increase in the number of Arab and foreign visitors to Syria.
  • Bashar al-Assad: We look positively at initiatives to improve relations with Turkey, have requirements not requests, and are ready to meet with Erdogan.
  • With missiles and drones, the Syrian regime’s retaliatory escalation in northern Syria threatens waves of displacement.
  • Landmines claimed the lives of 3 civilians in Deir ez-Zor and killed a flock of sheep.
  • Accused of witchcraft, a woman was killed by unknown assailants in Daraa.
  • After 8 days of tension, a preliminary agreement was reached to end the conflict in Jasim, Daraa.
  • An agreement to carry out a settlement in Kanaker, rural Damascus, under new conditions.
  • Regime forces fired on anti-election protesters in Suwayda.
  • Contrary to the Syrian constitution, dual nationals are running for the regime’s parliamentary elections.
  • Regime forces targeted southern Idlib countryside with suicide drones.
  • Banners in the city of Nawa, Daraa, demanded the expulsion of regime parliamentary candidates.

Related News:

  • After the Syrian regime’s denial, Ouzal: We received a positive signal before formally requesting a visit.
  • The Commander of the U.S. Central Command visited international coalition bases in Syria.

International News:

  • A solar power plant provided by the UAE was inaugurated in Aden.
  • A major victory for Trump: All “secret documents” charges dropped.
  • Trump chose Senator James D. Vance as his vice-presidential candidate.
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