Media OfficeNews

News of Saturday,2024-07-13.

The SFM’s News:

  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. (41).
  • The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) announced the completion of the “Arabic Rhetoric” training.
  • The Media Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) shared from the memory of the Syrian Revolution on 2011/07/13, where on this day in 2011: A flash demonstration in the Saliba Project in Latakia demanded the overthrow of the Syrian regime. The demonstrators carried banners condemning those participating in the dialogue conference organized by the Syrian regime and chanted slogans such as “The nation wants to overthrow the regime,” “Long live Syria, down with Bashar al-Assad,” “We don’t love you, leave us you and your party,” and “No dialogue, leave Bashar.” Hundreds also participated in an evening demonstration in the southern Raml neighborhood (Palestinian) calling for freedom, the overthrow of the regime, and rejecting dialogue with the regime, showing solidarity with Hama and other afflicted cities.
  • The Towad Educational Series Schools in Afrin are intensively working with their students during the summer period to enhance their educational level, address deficiencies, and prepare them for the next academic year.

Internal News:

  • The “settlement” process in Kanaker, rural Damascus, failed amid threats of storming the town.
  • “SDF” reported the arrest of an ISIS official north of Hasakah.
  • A meeting of free unions and syndicates in Syria with the interim government ended with 11 demands.
  • Poverty and unemployment rates rose in northern Syria during June 2024.
  • Families of forcibly recruited children continued their sit-in in front of the “Revolutionary Youth” headquarters in Qamishli.
  • The Syrian regime broke its silence regarding normalization with Turkey and renewed its preconditions.
  • The Syrian Coalition: The regime seeks to weaken our relations with friendly and brotherly countries.
  • “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” left the city of Binnish, eastern Idlib.
  • Losses in the regime’s forces due to scattered attacks in the Syrian desert.
  • Unknown assailants assassinated a military security member in Daraa.
  • A child was killed in Deir ez-Zor under the wheels of an “SDF” military vehicle.
  • 100 dunums of olive trees were lost in one day to fires in Latakia.
  • Civil Defense warned of the danger of lakes and water bodies in northwestern Syria.
  • The interim government affirmed its support for the right to protest and warned against “suspicious and separatist projects.”

Related News:

  • Joe Wilson criticized the Turkish-Syrian rapprochement, describing normalization with the Syrian regime as normalization with death.
  • Russia condemned an Israeli airstrike on Banias that targeted Iranian militias.
  • Erdogan called on the United States and Iran to support the normalization process with the Syrian regime.
  • “ESCWA” issued a report on the unintended effects of sanctions on the Syrian regime.

International News:

  • Democratic donors threatened to suspend their contributions if Biden does not withdraw from the elections.
  • The elected Iranian president expressed readiness for “constructive dialogue” with European countries.
  • The director of the International Organization for Migration: Reducing the migration issue to border management is a strategic mistake.
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