Media OfficeNews

News for Thursday, 2024-07-11.

The SFM’s News:
The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled “Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. 39.”

The Tawad Educational Schools series in Afrin is intensifying its activities with students during the summer period to improve their education, address deficiencies, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Domestic News:

  • Two killed in Jasem city in Daraa, local dignitaries demand intervention.
  • Injuries from an explosion targeting a Russian vehicle inside the “security square” in Hasakah city.
  • Displaced people in northwestern Syria complain of water and funding shortages.
  • Former Syrian Information Minister Mohammad Al-Zoubi, who opposed Hafez al-Assad since the Baath Party took power, has passed away.
  • Syrian state media links Russian escalation in Idlib to pressure for opening the M4 road.
  • The Civil Defense organization warns that Russian escalation in Idlib could trigger a wave of displacement.
  • Thirst threatens Latakia city and its countryside.
  • Intensified activity of explosive drones targeting civilians in northwestern Syria.
  • Suwayda factions detain a policeman and Syrian army elements.
  • Increasing suicide cases among civilians in northwestern Syria, mostly women.
  • Syrian state media denies any communication with pro- or anti-Turkish parties.

Related News:

  • The Israeli army announces strikes on infrastructure of the Syrian army in the Golan.
  • On the anniversary of his power takeover, Washington labels Assad’s regime as corrupt, committing atrocities, and a source of instability.
  • The UK rejects the Syrian regime’s elections.
  • With the participation of Syrian organizations, Assad’s crimes are discussed in a special session of the US Congress.
  • The German Foreign Ministry states that any elections in Syria would deepen conflict and division.
  • The UK condemns the “suicide” drone attacks on northern Syria and calls for accountability.
  • Erdogan: We aim for a Syria free of terrorism and managed by its own people.
  • France expresses concern over SDF violations.

International News:

  • Ankara and Baghdad agree on some visa exemptions and prisoner transfers.
  • “Maariv” talks about “progress” in Doha talks to reach an agreement between Israel and Hamas.
  • The Algerian president announces his candidacy for a second presidential term.
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