Media OfficeNews

News for Wednesday, 2024-07-10.

The SFM’s News:
The political office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) issued a statement on the demands of the revolutionary street in northern Syria.

The scientific office announced the launch of a training program titled “Basics of the Turkish Language” as part of “Educational Projects.”

The media office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) published a cartoon titled: Syrian Revolution Cartoon No. 38.

The Scientific Office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) has completed a new training titled “English Language Level 1”.

The scientific office of the Syrian Future Movement (SFM) awarded certificates of completion for the “English Language Level 1” training.

The Towad Educational Series in Afrin continues its intensive activities with students during the summer period to improve their educational level, fill gaps, and prepare them for the upcoming academic year.

Internal News:
A BMP was disabled, and there were tank shellings… Tensions in northern Daraa after the arrest of a woman in Damascus.

For the fifth consecutive day, “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” is on high alert in Binnish, and arrests continue.

In Homs, the wait for a gas cylinder exceeds 100 days.

Tension between the residents of Hasaka and the SDF due to its military trenches.

Russian airstrikes and bomb-laden drones targeted the Idlib countryside, hitting a water station.

392 attacks were launched by the Syrian regime and Russia on northwestern Syria in six months.

2213 fires in northwestern Syria in 2024.

The Hajj season for Syrians concluded with the arrival of the last flight to Gaziantep.

The elected Iranian president assured Assad of Tehran’s continued support for the Syrian regime.

Including members of the “Baath Party”… Protests renewed in the city of Jaramana in the Damascus countryside.

For more than 16 days, the residents of “Fattah Nassar” in Safita have complained about the absence of water in their village.

A protest in Idlib condemning the cutting of financial support to hospitals.

Related News:
The Russian army: The Israeli raid on Banias targeted pro-Iranian militias.

The Iraqi president’s advisor: Baghdad is arranging bilateral meetings between the Syrian regime and Turkey.

The Turkish Republican People’s Party: We received approval from the Syrian regime to hold a meeting with Bashar al-Assad in Damascus.

Iran announces a new agreement with Assad to recover its debts.

International News:
The Kurdistan government announces new regulatory instructions for asylum seekers.

Blinken: NATO countries have started sending F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

Al-Qassam Brigades announce the killing and injury of Israeli soldiers in the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood in Gaza.

The Turkish parliament discusses revoking Turkish citizenship from conscripts in the Israeli army.

The Iraqi judiciary issued a death sentence for the widow of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

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