Media Officememory of the Syrian revolution

“From the memory of the Syrian revolution,2011-07-09.”

On this day in 2011:

The residents of the Khalidiya neighborhood in Homs held a funeral for Mohamed Adeeb Al-Karaz, who was killed by regime gunfire during the “No to Dialogue Friday” protests. The mourners chanted slogans such as “With our soul, with our blood, we sacrifice for you, martyr,” and called for the overthrow of the regime and the accountability of Assad.

Evening protests erupted in several neighborhoods of the city, including Inshaat, Qusoor, Qarabees, Joret Al-Shayah, and Deir Baalba. Protesters chanted slogans like “We don’t love you, we don’t love you… Leave us, you and your party,” and “Oh youths of Sham, oh youths of Sham… The regime has fallen here in Homs.”

“Sham Network” reported hearing sounds of clashes in the Baba Amr and Bab Sbaa neighborhoods in Homs.

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