Media OfficeResearch and Studies Departmentstudies

Social media is a popular platform for transmitting images.

Social media platforms are among the most significant tools that have influenced the reporting of political events in Syria from 2011 to the present. These platforms have played a prominent role in shaping public opinion and directing attention to political and social issues, as well as in reconstructing the prevailing image regarding the Syrian public’s stance on major events. It is worth noting that Syria is among the countries with the highest use of social media, where Syrians utilize these platforms to express their political and religious opinions. Amid the exceptional circumstances experienced by Syria, social media has become a means of communication, self-expression, and obtaining emotional and political support.

In Syria, WhatsApp is the most popular among social media applications, being one of the most famous instant messaging applications for mobile phones, where Syrians exchange videos and news within their various groups. Additionally, Telegram and Facebook are widely used. Telegram is known for its ease of use and security and is today considered Syria’s largest platform for transferring daily political and social events and news, rivaling WhatsApp, while Facebook is the second most common application in some regions, which was the first program at the beginning of the Syrian revolution. Twitter, previously known as X, and YouTube are platforms where intellectuals are more prevalent among applications. Lastly, TikTok emerges as a platform where the new generation interacts but not to the extent that it leads in news and event transmission. These applications have become part of the lives of revolutionaries and a place for news dissemination, planning, and discussion.

Social media has played a significant role in supporting the Syrian revolution and the activists’ communication. Its importance includes:

  1. Social media has helped overcome fear and motivated people to participate in the revolutionary movement.
  2. These platforms have enabled the transmission of revolution events worldwide, contributing to directing attention to events in Syria.
  3. Social media has become a place for artists to document the revolution events through their artistic works.

However, there are significant negative aspects to using these platforms, despite their positive role being noticeable in the history of the Syrian revolution:

  1. The spread of rumors and fake news is one of the main negatives, as inaccurate information can influence the direction of the revolution and distort the real picture of the events.
  2. Social media may be exploited for spying on activists and monitoring their activities, which could endanger their lives and safety.
  3. Hostile comments and negative content can influence public opinion and increase tensions among individuals.
  4. Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and distraction from the real revolutionary goals.
  5. Activists may face security threats from repressive regimes or extremist groups based on information posted on social media.

Despite these negatives, it is essential to remember that social media also plays a positive role in transmitting events and directing attention to Syrian issues. Social media has managed to bypass the authority’s control over the media in various Syrian regions. During the revolution, these platforms became a primary source of news and information. They were able to transmit events directly and shine a light on Syrian issues more quickly and broadly. By using social media, activists were able to bypass the censorship and control imposed by the Syrian regime on traditional media outlets, leading to an expansion of dialogue and enabling citizens to freely express their opinions and exchange information.

To ensure the safety of their information, activists using social media to communicate and transmit events must take measures such as:

  1. Using data encryption, where messaging applications that provide strong encryption, such as Telegram and WhatsApp, are preferred.
  2. Using unique passwords for social media accounts and avoiding easily guessable passwords.
  3. Ensuring the source and validity of any link or attachment before clicking or downloading.
  4. Minimizing personal information and avoiding posting sensitive personal information on social media, such as addresses and phone numbers.
  5. Activating two-factor authentication to enhance security.
  6. Regularly updating programs and ensuring social media applications are updated to the latest version to address security vulnerabilities.
  7. Avoiding public posts about locations and dates for any personal movements.

By implementing these measures, activists can maintain the safety of their information while using social media.

Social media plays a significant role in involving the public in decision-making and supporting political and social positions. Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness about its dangers and importance to prevent misuse by authorities and corrupt individuals. It is crucial to support social media and focus on it, especially by influencers and thinkers, to mobilize and persuade the public, as they are essential carriers of any movement and activity that can be created.

Ibrahim Al-Mustafa
Media Office
Research and Studies Department
Syrian Future Movement (SFM)

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