Podcast of SFM (19):The National Constants of the (SFM):
Promoting a culture of moderation as a method to reconcile the various segments of the people.
Aiming for a roundtable dialogue that proposes a project for a national concord document.
Achieving civil peace as a necessity following the success of the revolution.
Strengthening Syrian relations with its surroundings.
Giving a role to intellectuals from all religions and nationalities to elevate society through renewal and innovation.
Possessing the necessary military strength for the security and stability of the nation.
Activating the national economy and protecting it from various monopolies.
Creating job opportunities leading to a dignified life.
Emphasizing the value of human resources, both male and female.
Undertaking the desired administrative reform and change.
Considering Syrian emigrants as a positive pillar and a contributor to the nation.
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